Fernando Prado

Fernando Prado: “Después de la crisis del coronavirus, quedará lo mejor de nosotros mismos”

Ponte San Pietro (Italy), 03/04/2020.- A priest wearing a protective face mask blesses the coffins of people who died of coronavirus, before they are taken away to the crematory ovens in other Italian regions with military trucks, in Ponte San Pietro, near Bergamo, northern Italy, 03 April 2020. Italy is under lockdown in an attempt to stop the widespread of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus which causes the Covid-19 disease. (Italia) EFE/EPA/FILIPPO VENEZIA

Al menos 105 sacerdotes muertos en Italia por el coronavirus

El continente americano se consagra a la Virgen de Guadalupe contra el Covid-19

El SOS de la presidenta de Madrid: “Hay un porcentaje altísimo de monjas contagiadas de coronavirus. Que nos llamen para protegerlas”